Sandy Frazier
I wanted to list my late Mother’s house for sale. After contacting and interviewing 4 different realtors, I chose Sandy and her company. Sandy came across as a very real, genuine person to me, not some slick, plastic sales person. Having to travel from my home in the Orlando area to Lakeland  where the house was located, I was always concerned about wasting my time, having to wait around the house to meet with realtors. Sandy was extremely prompt on each of the face to face meetings we set up. After selecting her as our realtor, Sandy kept me up to speed on the progress as she went through the different steps to set the listing up. As she promised when I initially interviewed her, Sandy was very quick to respond to any and all of my email, text, phone calls or voicemail inquiries, even the week she was on vacation. Usually within minutes, but never more that 1/2 hour, I received a response to my question(s). Within 2 weeks of listing the property, Sandy brought 2 contracts to the table for us with one being at the full asking price. Even when we hit a couple of bumps in the road during the closing process, nothing that had anything to do with Sandy, she was always there to boost my moral and tell me everything would end up being OK, and she was right!! Needless to say, I would definitely recommend Sandy to anyone selling their house.

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